This year, your support can help give thousands of people in Wiltshire the urgent advice, support and help they need.
Every year we make a difference to the lives of more than 17,000 local families.
As an independent charity we rely on the support of people like you to ensure we are ready with help and advice when we're needed. The demand for our services is great as ever.
Donate now - every penny really does make a difference.
Thank you
By clicking on the Donate button above you will be directed to the Local Giving website. They process donations on our behalf. You can donate as a one off or you can set up a monthly donation from as little as £2 a month.
Other ways to donate
Amazon Smile
Do you shop online at Amazon? If so, Amazon has launched a simple and automatic way for you to support a charity of your choice (of which Citizens Advice Wiltshire is now one of the charities) every time you shop, at no cost to you.
Simply go to and on your first visit select the organisation and then every eligible purchase you make Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchases. You can use your existing account from, and your shopping cart, wish lists, and other account setting are also the same.
Give as you live
You can choose to help Citizens Advice Wiltshire through Give as you live. The browser shortcut will automatically give a donation once you shop online, if not you can search shops via Give as you live and once you make a purchase a donation will be sent to Citizens Advice Wiltshire.
Donate via text message
Simply text WCA 3 to 70085 to donate £3 to us. Text Giving is hosted by Donr
Whether you're celebrating a wedding, birthday or anniversary - dedicate your celebration to support Citizens Advice Wiltshire. Simply set up an online fundraising page and ask for donations instead of gifts to raise money.
You can leave a gift however big or small to us in your will. For more information please visit