Wiltshire Citizens Advice work in partnership and collaborate with a number of organisations to ensure that people in our local community who need our help and support receive the highest possible quality advice services.
- Wiltshire Council
- Multiply
- Resettlement Project
- Carers Together Wiltshire
We’re are also part of a new partnership providing tailored support to unpaid carers across Wiltshire under the umbrella ‘Carers Together Wiltshire’. Wiltshire Council and Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board have commissioned Age UK Wiltshire in a consortium with Alzheimer’s Support, Citizens Advice Wiltshire, Community First, Wessex Community Action and Wiltshire Service Users Network’ to provide a range of support services to adult unpaid carers. Find out more about Carers Together Wiltshire here.
- Macmillan

- MaPS Debt Advice Project
Citizens Advice is one of the lead agreement holders for the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) funded debt advice project. Since 2017, we have been funded to deliver this service locally.
- MS Society
- National Lottery

- Pension Wise
Pension Wise is a guidance service set up to help people understand their options under the pension freedoms. We deliver Pension Wise appointments in a number of locations, including Bristol, Swindon, Yate as well as the main areas of Wiltshire, to people aged 50 and over, with a defined contribution pension. Pension Wise is now part of MoneyHelper.
- Surviving Winter Campaign
We are funded by Wiltshire Community Foundation as part of the Surviving Winter campaign, which has been running since 2010, supporting elderly and vulnerable people keep warm and safe during the winter months.
- Trussell Trust
- Salisbury Foodbank (including Amesbury)
- Malmesbury & District Foodbank (including Cricklade Foodbank)
- Devizes & District Foodbank
- Wiltshire Community Foundation and the NHS Integrated Care Board’s Health Inequalities Fund (Wiltshire)
We've recently received a grant from Wiltshire Community Foundation and the NHS Integrated Care Board’s Health Inequalities Fund (Wiltshire). They support projects that help people overcome barriers to healthier lives, improve physical and/or mental wellbeing and show how local community projects make a difference to health outcomes, particularly in areas with higher health inequalities. This grant will support a project providing advice to the users of Melksham foodbank, with the aim of improving mental and physical health outcomes through resolving issues that affect health, such as low incomes, housing and employment issues.
- Wiltshire Money
Wiltshire Citizens Advice is also an active member of Wiltshire Money, the lead body for financial inclusion activity within the county. Wiltshire Money provides a strategic framework for local organisations to co-ordinate their work, develop collaborative partnerships and share lessons learnt. Essentially, it aims to help people make informed financial choices and be in control of their money.
We also receive funding from:
- Chippenham Borough Lands Charity
- Selwood Housing Association
- Wessex Water
- and many Town and Parish Councils in Wiltshire.
We gratefully acknowledge all funding support.