- How to check if you're entitled to any reduction on your council tax bill
- How to keep track of your spending better
- How to manage your finances during the holiday season, and where to turn to if you find yourself struggling
- Our top tips for Black Friday shopping to make sure you don’t end up with more, or less, than you bargained for
- How to go about making a will and why it's important
- Tips and advice on what you should do when looking for a new home
- How to manage school costs
- How to protect yourselves and prepare for the unexpected when booking a holiday abroad
- Understanding your payslip, so you can check it is correct
- What to do if you cannot afford your new council tax bill
- What to do if you have mould or damp in your rented home
- What to do if you've built up a bit of debt and you're struggling to make your money stretch far enough
"I’ve recently found myself living alone after the breakdown of my relationship. My council tax bill is due soon, and I’m worried I won’t be able to afford to pay it on my own. I’m already struggling to cover the cost of my other bills. What can I do?"
You’re not alone in worrying about struggling to pay your bills. It’s a difficult time for people who are battling rising costs for food and essentials - as well as seeing their bills creep up.
Fortunately, there are options available to people struggling to pay their council tax, but you’ll need to find out if you’re eligible first. You might be entitled to pay less, or not at all, depending on your circumstances, because councils offer discounts and other reductions.
Firstly, because you’re the only adult living in your home, your council tax bill can be reduced by a quarter. For example, if your bill is £1,000 for the year, you’ll only have to pay £750 now that you live on your own. You’ll need to tell your council someone has moved out of your home and the date that they left. You’re entitled to the discount from when they moved out - even if it was a while ago.
When the council works out how many people live in a property, there are certain people that don’t count - they’re called ‘disregarded people’. This includes under-18s, full-time students, long-term hospital patients, people with severe mental impairments, and many more. You can check the Citizens Advice website for more information on disregarded people.
In some situations, everyone living in a home is disregarded. If this is the case, the council tax bill will be reduced by half. If everyone in a home is a student or severely mentally impaired, there’ll be no council tax to pay.
If you live with an adult who isn’t disregarded, but who is on a low income or receives certain benefits, you might be able to get a discount called a ‘second adult rebate’. You can find out more about getting a second adult rebate on the Citizens Advice website.
If you or someone you live with is disabled, this can also affect your council tax banding. If your home has been adapted, you can ask to be placed down one band. For example, if you’re living in a band C property that has been adapted for a disabled resident, you should only be charged council tax for a band B property.
There’s also something called Council Tax Reduction, which is designed for people on low incomes. Your council will ask for details about your income and circumstances, to check if you’re eligible. If you are, they’ll reduce the amount of council tax you have to pay.
When it comes to Council Tax Reductions, different rules apply depending on whether you’ve reached State Pension age.
And lastly, if you’re struggling to pay for essentials, your council can reduce your bill further, or cancel it altogether, under what’s known as a ‘discretionary reduction’. This usually only happens if you can provide evidence that you’re suffering severe hardship and can’t afford to pay council tax. If you’re in this situation, ask your council for help.
If you’re not given a discretionary reduction, you might be able to appeal to a valuation tribunal. If the tribunal agrees with you, they can order your council to reduce or even cancel your council tax bill.
You can find more advice and information about the options available to people struggling to pay their council tax at https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/housing/council-tax/check-if-you-can-pay-less-council-tax/
Whatever circumstances you’re in, if you’re struggling with your council tax payments, it’s important to let your council know. Citizens Advice is also here to help you find a way forward, should you need our support.

"I’ve really struggled with my money this past year, and spent too much on Christmas. I also recently got caught out by a free trial on an app that rolled into a paid subscription. Even without this though, it feels like every month I end up in my overdraft. How can I keep track of my spending better?"
Lots of people will be feeling this way right now, and it can be difficult to stay on top of things like online subscriptions. But there are steps you can take to be more in control of your money.
Firstly, draw up a budget. Remember to include all of your general spending, and any other bills you have to pay. Be realistic about what you’ll need for essentials like food and travel. If your income fluctuates, use bank statements, benefit award letters and Universal Credit journals to plan your budget each month.
Your bank should be able to tell you what regular payments you have. If you find subscriptions you don’t want, contact the company in question to cancel them. In future, before signing up to anything, make sure you know what you’ll get, for how long and what it’ll cost. If you do use any free trials, set a reminder a week before the free period ends so you’ve time to cancel it if you want to. Keep evidence of any subscription cancellations in case you need it in the future.
If you’ve been relying on your overdraft lots this year, or turned to credit cards or Buy-Now-Pay-Later, it’s understandable if this worries you. Always prioritise paying your rent, mortgage, plus energy bills and Council Tax first though, because not paying these has the most serious consequences. If you’re having trouble managing your debts and paying bills, contact Citizens Advice for support.
Our income checker can help you see if you’re getting all you’re entitled to, such as benefits or government grants.
Everyone’s circumstances are different, particularly when it comes to managing personal finances. We’re here to help you find a way forward:

"My children love Christmas and they’re already picking extra treats off the shelf when we go shopping, and telling me what presents they want. I really want to make it a special time for them, but times are tough and I can’t help worrying about overspending and getting into debt. What can I do to manage my finances during the holiday season, and where can I turn if I find myself struggling?"
The festive season can be a financially challenging time, and often borrowing money or using a credit card to fund Christmas can seem like your only option. But there are steps you can take to keep your spending under control and avoid falling into debt.
The first thing to do is make a budget and stick to it.
Consider who you're buying gifts for, what other seasonal expenses you have, and how much you can realistically afford to spend. Always keep receipts, or ask for gift receipts, in case you overspend and need to return something. And remember that household bills may be higher during this period due to colder weather and spending more time indoors.
If you've built up debt, please don't ignore bills or letters. Speak to the organisation you owe money to, as they may let you pay smaller amounts.
Pay 'priority debts' first, like rent, mortgage arrears, council tax, and energy bills. For other types of debt like credit cards or loans, gather all the information on what you owe, create a budget, and contact your creditors to set up an affordable repayment plan. This might seem scary, but it’s an important first step.
If your budget just doesn’t add up and you need help to afford essentials like bills and food, see what cost of living support is available on the Citizens Advice website.
If you do find yourself struggling financially, don't panic. Support is out there, and we can help you understand what’s available.
"Everywhere I look I see adverts for upcoming sales - Black Friday and Cyber Monday ‘deals’ are jumping out at me from all directions. Some of the prices seem too good to be true - how can I be sure I really am getting a good deal and not being scammed?"
You’re not the only one eager to bag a bargain. The busiest shopping time of the year is also a busy time for cyber criminals who use the spike in spending to disguise their scams as legitimate shopping sites.
Fraudsters are also taking advantage of AI advances to help them produce accurate and professional-looking content to trick victims into giving away their financial details.
It sounds like you’re aware there are risks when buying online and that scammers will try to tempt consumers with special offers, fake reviews and sought-after items at rock bottom prices. The good news is there are ways you can protect yourself and shop safely.
Here Citizens Advice Senior Consumer Expert, Kate Hobson, shares her top five tips to make sure you don’t end up with more, or less, than you bargained for during this busy shopping season.
- Make sure you don’t feel rushed. Scammers will often create a sense of urgency by claiming it’s a limited offer or price which encourages you to act without taking as much time to consider the purchase.
- Know who you are buying from. If buying from a company you have not used before, check reviews and previous customers’ feedback. If in doubt, don’t buy.
- Be wary of suspicious web links. These may direct you to fake (but realistic looking) websites. It is better to type in the website address yourself.
- Don’t share any one-time codes that you’re sent when shopping online. These codes are used to confirm that you’re the one making the purchase, so don’t share them with anyone.
- Avoid paying anyone you don’t know by bank transfer. Paying by credit card for single items costing £100 and over gives you legal protection if the goods do not arrive, are faulty, or do not match the description. Paying by credit or debit card for orders costing less than £100 also gives you protection using your card provider’s voluntary ‘Chargeback’ scheme.
If you’re worried that something you’ve seen online might be a scam, you can contact the Citizens Advice Consumer line by calling 0808 223 1133 or visit https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer for more information.
I don’t have a will, but I wonder if I should make one? The problem is, I have no idea where to start or how to make it official.
Making a will can seem daunting, but it’s important to make one whether or not you consider yourself to have many possessions or much money. This is because there are certain rules which dictate what will happen to your money, property, or possessions after you die and without a will they may not go to the people or places you would have wanted.
It’s a good idea, although not strictly necessary, to use a solicitor, or to have one check a will you draw up to make sure it’ll have the effect you want. This is because it’s easy to make mistakes which could cause problems after your death and result in costly legal fees.
A solicitor will charge for their services, but they should tell you how much their help will cost before they start working with you. Charges vary and will depend on the complexity of the will. Before making a decision on who to use, shop around and speak to a few different solicitors to find the best price.
Before you approach a solicitor, you should think about the major points you want to include in your will. This will save you time and help to reduce costs.
Things to think about include: how much money and property you have and if any of your possessions are especially important to you; whether you want any of your money or possessions to go to specific family or friends after your death; and what you’d like to happen to the rest of your assets, including whether or not you’d like to leave any gift to charities. If relevant, you should also decide who should look after any children you may have who are under 18.
You’ll also need to decide who will sort out your estate and carry out your wishes, as set out in the will. These people are known as the executors. It’s common to appoint two executors, in case one is unable to carry out the task. People often choose either relatives or friends, solicitors or accountants, banks, or the Public Trustee, which is an official body, to be an executor.
For a will to be valid, it must be made by someone who is 18 or over and of sound mind, meaning someone who is capable of rational thought, making and understanding decisions. It must also be drawn up without any pressure from another person. It must also be made in writing and signed by the person making the will, in the presence of two witnesses, who must also sign the document in the presence of the person making the will. Lastly, it should be dated. As soon as the will is signed, dated, and witnessed, it is complete.
Once a will has been made, it should be kept in a safe place and other documents should not be attached to it. This safe place might be at home, with a solicitor or accountant, at a bank, or at HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) for safekeeping.
You can find out more information about making a will on the Citizens Advice website.
"I’ve got to move house and will be renting somewhere on my own for the first time. It’s exciting but there’s so much to think about and I’m worried things could go wrong. Do you have any tips or advice on what I should do when looking for a new home?"
Whether you’re renting on your own or with other people, one of the first decisions to make is whether you want to rent directly from a landlord or through a letting agent.
Renting directly from a landlord might mean you have less to pay before moving in, fewer references and you might not need to do a credit check. Alternatively, renting through a letting agent means that if they manage the property they’ll liaise with the landlord about any repairs that need doing on your behalf. However, if a letting agent behaves badly and you believe they’re at fault you can complain to their independent complaints body, known as ‘redress scheme’.
There are lots of websites you can use to find somewhere to rent but if you can’t look online, you could visit a local estate agent or ask friends and family to help you. When you’re looking, remember, never pay any money before you’ve seen the property and if you can take someone with you when viewing properties.
Avoid renting directly from an existing tenant, this is called ‘subletting’ and the tenant might not have the landlord’s permission to rent to you, which could cause problems down the line.
If a tenant is showing you around the property on behalf of the landlord they should give you the landlord's contact details.
To make sure the property you're going to rent is safe, affordable and meets your needs, ask the landlord or letting agent some key questions. For example, how much rent is and how it should be paid, if the rent includes any bills, how long the tenancy is, if there’s the opportunity to renew and if there’s a break clause in case you need to end the tenancy early.
Check if you’ll need to pay a holding deposit while the landlord carries out pre-tenancy checks, this can’t be more than a week’s rent and should be returned to you at the start of the tenancy. You should also ask your landlord or letting agent what documents you'll need to provide when you agree to rent the property including evidence of your Right to Rent.
Before you go ahead, ask how your tenancy deposit will be protected, if any furniture or appliances are included in the tenancy and, if relevant, whether you can have pets. You should also request any obvious problems with the property are fixed before you move in.
If a landlord refuses to rent to you because of who you are, this may be discrimination. For instance, because of your race, religion or sexual orientation. A 'no kids policy' or refusing to rent to you because you get benefits could also be discrimination. You only need to tell a landlord or letting agent you receive benefits if they ask. Some may then require a guarantor as security if you have no renting history, or if they feel you may have trouble paying rent. They can still refuse to rent to you if they think you won’t be able to afford it.
Remember, if you need any other pointers or advice on renting or you run into any problems, you can contact Citizens Advice for help.
The school holidays are about to begin and as a parent I’m already dreading September. School costs can quickly mount up - uniform, transport, trips and probably more I haven’t even thought of yet - I’m really worried I won’t have enough money to cover it all. How will I manage?
School costs can seem overwhelming, but if you're on a low income your local council might help you with some of the expense.
As any parent knows there are a multitude of opportunities and requirements that go hand-in-hand with school and many come with a price tag. For that reason, there is support available when it comes to paying for school uniforms, trips and essential equipment. Some extra curricular clubs such as music might also have funding available. You can find what your local council offers here https://www.gov.uk/find-local-council.
When it comes to uniform, schools have a responsibility to make sure they are affordable. A good starting point is the school website which will have the uniform policy, as well as how to find second-hand items.
Some schools will require branded items but these must be kept to a minimum in line with government guidance on affordability, available at www.gov.uk. If you are worried you still can't afford the required uniform you should speak to someone in the school office who might be able to help.
In terms of food, children in infant school - reception, year one and year two - automatically get free school meals. If your child is in junior school - years three to six - you can apply for free school meals if you get certain benefits.*
In some cases free transport is available. If your child is aged five to 16 your local council might help with free or lower-cost transport if you don't live near school or your child's unable to walk there. And for older children in a sixth form or training as an apprentice, there may also be support available. You'll need to ask your local council if they can help. Unfortunately we can’t help with homework, but there is more information on financial support that’s available for school costs and general budgeting advice on the Citizens Advice website - www.citizensadvice.org.uk
*Not applicable in Wales
We’re booking a summer holiday to Spain. It’s been a while since we’ve gone on holiday and we really don’t want anything to go wrong. What can we do to protect ourselves and prepare for the unexpected?
The chances are you’ll have the relaxing holiday you deserve, but there are a few things you can do in advance to help your holiday go smoothly. That includes the golden rule of getting travel insurance and brushing up on what your rights are if something goes wrong.
The first thing to do is check if your passport is in date. Renewing can take several weeks so you don’t want to leave this until the last minute. You can check the validity of your passport for your trip on GOV.UK by seeing the entry requirements of the country you’re travelling to.[1]
This is especially important if you’re flying to Europe as EU countries no longer accept passports that are more than ten years old. If your passport was issued pre-Brexit then the expiry date might be more than ten years from the issue date, but if it’s older than ten years, you’ll need to get it renewed for EU travel - even if it’s still in date.
Flight delays and cancellations could happen to any of us, so it’s worth knowing what your rights are if this happens.[2] If your flight is delayed long enough, your airline has to give you access to food and drink vouchers, phone calls and emails, and accommodation if you’re delayed overnight. If your flight is cancelled, you have a legal right to a full refund or replacement flight to help you get to your destination.
Bags going missing is another classic holiday nightmare. But you do have a right to compensation if your airline delays, loses or damages your checked-in luggage. The Citizens Advice website shows you how to do this.[3]
You might also get compensation for other things, like a day trip getting cancelled, or if you paid for a deluxe room but only got a standard one. This will depend on whether you booked a package holiday, made ‘linked travel arrangements’ or organised the holiday yourself as an independent traveller, so it’s worth checking to see what compensation you can get.[4]
Finally, Citizens Advice says you should get travel insurance, as it can cover many of the things already mentioned, like flight delays and lost luggage, but also things like a holiday cancellation and medical emergencies. You should get insurance as soon as you book a holiday to make sure you're covered from the get go, but check first to see if you’re covered for what you need through an existing insurance policy or through your bank account.
[1] https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice
- Universal Credit
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Income Support

Copyright Citizens Advice.
For the most up-to-date advice, please visit the Citizens Advice website.