We can help.
Talk to us on freephone 0800 144 8848 (Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or
Email us
and find out how you can:
Below is some advice and information to get you started:
Lower your water bill
- the person receiving the benefits or tax credits also receives child benefit for three or more children living at home under the age of 19
- someone in your household has a medical condition that causes them to use significantly more water.
If you're unable to afford your ongoing water bill, Wessex Water can offer you a low rate bill through their Assist tariff.
Get a discount if you receive pension credit
If everyone in your household who is over 18 years old receives Pension Credit or state pension is their only income, you can receive Wessex Water's Pension Credit discount. If you receive pension credit you can save around £60 off your water and/or sewerage bill.
- Wessex Water also have other ways they can provide support if you're struggling to pay your bills, visit https://www.wessexwater.co.uk/tap/ for details.
- For more ways you can pay less for your water see our next steps and top tips for saving water in the home.
Deal with your debts
We will work with you to work out a realistic plan to repay your debts and make sure the most serious debts are dealt with first.
- For more information about sorting out your debts see our online advice: get help with your debts.
Manage your money
We can help you stay on top of essential bills and keep your spending on track.
- We also have an online budgeting tool to help you to work out your budget.
You do not need to be a Wessex Water customer to get free advice from us.
If you are a Wiltshire resident and struggling to pay your bills:
Call us on freephone 0800 144 8848
(Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
We’re here to help. Whoever you are. Whatever the problem.
First published 2018. Updated January 2020, 2021. Last updated May 2021.
Further articles, advice and information you may find useful:
How to start dealing with your debts
Make a fresh start and get your finances heading in the right direction
Online debt and money advice